パーカーポイント: 96点 予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2040 Disgorged in March 2020, Giraud's newly released NV Brut Grand Cru Aÿ Fût de Chêne MV15 is terrific, bursting from the glass with aromas of pear, orange oil and peach mingled with nuances of warm pastry, toasted almonds, beeswax and clear honey that's already very nicely integrated. Full-bodied, textural and concentrated, this is a deep and muscular Champagne, with striking structure and vinosity, underpinned by lively acids and complemented by a pinpoint mousse. (End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
Henri Giraud
Fut de Chene MV15
予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2040
Disgorged in March 2020, Giraud's newly released NV Brut Grand Cru Aÿ Fût de Chêne MV15 is terrific, bursting from the glass with aromas of pear, orange oil and peach mingled with nuances of warm pastry, toasted almonds, beeswax and clear honey that's already very nicely integrated. Full-bodied, textural and concentrated, this is a deep and muscular Champagne, with striking structure and vinosity, underpinned by lively acids and complemented by a pinpoint mousse.
(End of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
アンリ ジロー
Henri Giraud
アンリ・ジローの歴史は創業者フランソワ・エマールが1625年、アイ村に畑を手に入れたことから始まります。現在のアイ村の所有畑は8ha。12代目のクロード・ジローが樽使いにこだわる「フュ・ド・シェーヌ 1990」を世に出し、世界的な注目を集めました。アイ村出身のセバスチャンは1973年生まれ。アンリの娘と結婚し、シャンパーニュでビオディナミを先駆的に研究した醸造家ジョルジュ・アルディからシャンパーニュ造りを学びました。
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